Our coaching programs give artists the structure, tools, and support they need to reach their creative goals — whether that goal is to get back in touch with their creative work, OR to reach a new stage in their creative practice / career.

Reach your Goals: 6-month Group Coaching Program

Our goal-setting program will help you create focus in a specific area of your creative practice, and set and accomplish 1-2 goals over 6-months. You'll get help setting intentions and creating a clear action plan. You’ll get accountability and feedback from a dynamic group to help you cross the finish line.

This is a great program for artists who have some creative momentum, but need feedback and accountability. They want to set and achieve goals in their creative work and professional practice.

Get Unblocked: 3-Month Creative Recovery Program

Our Creative Recovery program helps artists get unblocked and start making things again. You will learn a structure for developing your ideas, produce work, and learn tools for a lifetime of practice. You will get feedback on your work in a supportive, small cohort.

This is a great program for beginners or artists looking to recover their creativity!