drawing by Stephanie de Couto Costa.
How do WE make the creative work we’re supposed to make?
As artists, we all have creative baggage — things that get in the way and prevent us from making the work we need to make.
Why does it feel so hard to keep up with our painting practice, write our book, or finish our album? Oftentimes, when we get stuck we convince ourselves it’s because we don’t have enough of something:
Not enough time.
Not enough energy.
Not enough talent.
Not enough experience.
Not enough education.
Not enough confidence.
In reality, what we actually need is a little structure, some accountability, and a PROCESS for developing our ideas.
When we have a process for developing our ideas things get a lot simpler. We know what we’re focusing on. We get less overwhelmed. We can place the inner critic aside. We let our ideas grow and get expressed vs. fester inside of us.
So what is the creative process we teach?
At AMP, we teach the creative process as happening within 5 distinct phases:
The Clear stage is about preparing.
Play is about testing.
Fuel is about informing.
Generate is about making.
Reflect is about reviewing and considering where to go next .
When you're stuck in your creative work, it's because you’re spending too much time at a particular stage, instead of moving through to the next stage.
If you spend too much time at Clear, you're having trouble starting.
If you spend too much time at Play, you're doing too much testing.
If you spend too much time at Fuel, you're comparing yourself to other people.
if you spend too much time at Generate, you’re over-producing (i.e. burning out)
If you spend too much time at Reflect, you're evaluating your work too soon.
Through our classes, coaching calls, and assignments we teach you how to identify your roadblocks, and develop the tools you need to work through them. We give you a process that helps you create intentions in your work, set mini goals, and get your ideas out of your head and into the WORLD. Yesssss.