Making MONEY and Making ART
a 3-Session intensive
Thursday nights
March 27th, April 3rd, & April 10th 2025
6-7:30pm Central time.
Tell me if this sounds like you: You love making art and you want to make more time for it.
Because you want to make TIME for it, you decide the best way to do this is to make your art your JOB. Suddenly, your creative work becomes your WORK work. Now you need that art to pay your BILLS.
Sometimes this works out great - you love making your art and you love SELLING your art, but sometimes it makes your creative life messy and your financial life messy.
In this 3-session WORKSHOP we’lL work through your “making money and making art problem.” We’ll ask questions like:
What does your creative life need to thrive?
What does your financial life need to thrive?
Which of your creative interests do you want to monetize?
What do you NOT want to monetize?
How can we live creatively AND financially fulfilling lives as artists?
Here’s what that’s gonna look like:
Session 1: Uncover Your Making Art + Making Money Blocks
We’ll look at your blocks around money and your blocks around art-making. We’ll talk through toxic expectations and patterns that are holding you back. You will create your Making Money + Making Art Venn diagram. What do you want in the market vs. what do you NOT want in the market (and want to protect creatively)?
Session 2: Your Offering
We’ll do a deep dive into the center of your MA/MM Venn diagram - i.e. the stuff you love making, that makes you money. Who is the audience for this work? What do they want? What do they need? We’ll talk about inverting the “want structure” (it’s not just about you).
Session 3: Identifying Your Market + Creating Your Funnel
We’ll talk about selling! It’s an important part of any creative business. We’ll dive into strategies for your business by talking through your marketing funnel (i.e. how people learn about you). We’ll keep in mind how to use these strategies in a way that feels good and helps you protect your creative process/energy along the way.
What you’ll leave with:
An understanding of your art blocks and money blocks.
A map that showcases what you want in the market and what you don’t.
A plan for monetizing your creative work.
A marketing funnel to help you understand your market and how to reach them.
What’s included:
3 (1.5) hour zoom calls with presentations, resources, and tools.
HW exercises and feedback.
Access to our membership resources for the length of the program.
Slack channel and connection with a small cohort of artists who share your struggles!
PRICE : $299