Doing less

Remember when I complained what a hot hell-scape Austin was? Well now it's cold and I love it. I take it all back.

If you're a long-time newsletter follower (bless your heart), you may have noticed I'm sending fewer newsletters these days. It's true. I've been slowing my roll. And for me, this is no easy thing.

If you've worked with me before, you know I describe myself as a "generator." I'm someone who loves the generate stage of the creative process. I love making stuff. This can be a blessing and a curse.

Enjoying the generate stage is great, because it's fairly easy for me to produce things. I get excited about an idea and I know how to set constraints and keep a project simple. I can get out of my own way. It doesn't matter what it is - paintings, podcasts, workshops - I can generally follow through on an idea I care about.

The problem with being a "generator," is that it's hard to stop producing. I can't get off the hamster wheel. My solution is often to keep working, instead of taking a break. Because working is what feels most comfortable for me. Until I had a baby...

And motherhood slapped me across the face.

The workload of mothering, on top of running two businesses - a school and an art practice - was just too much. The first year of my son's life was a real wake-up call. Without having 5 days of childcare, it was impossible to keep everything going at the pace I had previously set.

So things started to slip. The robust schedule I had created for myself fell apart. I did fewer podcasts, I made less studio time, I ran fewer workshops.

And ya know what? Everything was fine ... nothing was on fire! My business was fine, my art was progressing as needed, my limbs were still attached.

So I'm doing less this year.

I'm doing fewer newsletters.
I'm applying to fewer open calls.
I'm coaching fewer people (get in now!)
And if it feels right ... I'm making less art.

When we hear "I'm doing less" we hear "I'm quitting," but doing less can also mean:

You're prioritizing.
You're making space.
You're valuing yourself and your time.

Most importantly, you're allowing the seeds you've planted to actually grow vs. hovering over them with your little watering can of worry.

Ya know what I mean?

So if you don't hear from me, don't worry. I'm not dead.
I'm just taking a beat and brewing up some new things for 2023.


Unproductive questions


Building your artist community